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Nibaliw, Mangaldan, House For Sale
House and Lot for Sale TITLED HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE # 3 story residential building # 251 sqm. Lot area Floor area = total of 630sqm. from 1st floor up to 3rd floor. ) # the house mostly build with marmor and stainless steel. # with owned drainage system going through the road ). The house is been c...
Binebenta | 0 kama| 0 naligoMangaldan in Pangasinan (Philippines), N/a
Guiguilonen, Mangaldan, House For Sale
All properties are offered on nAs-is, Where-isn basis. Titles of properties are either under Sellerns name or under various stages of consolidation in the Sellerns name. Interested parties are therefore advised to check the title, the physical and legal condition of the property. Vicinity maps, lot ...
Binebenta | 1 kama| 0 naligo | 197.22 Sq meter | 121 Sq meterMangaldan in Pangasinan (Philippines), N/a
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